Caliburn.Micro – Hello World

In this post we are going to create a simple WPF application using Caliburn.Micro. I have created an empty Visual Studio 2010 solution for all the projects in this blog series. All of the code for this series will be available on my Github Learning Caliburn.Micro repository. But I suggest you follow along, and try and do it yourself. Start Visual Studio, and create a new WPF Application project called HelloWorld.

Introducing Caliburn.Micro – Lightweight MVVM & WPF

I have used a number of different MVVM frameworks, and none has so-far felt right. Not the worlds most scientific criteria, I will grant you, but still one that I consider valid. I have a preference for lighter-weight frameworks. Another vague criteria, but my definition of it is simple – frameworks that do not impose rigid structures and significant bloat to my application by adding features I dont need. Some of the frameworks I have worked with are: Cinch, MEFedMVVM, MVVM Light Toolkit, and Caliburn.