I just released Caliburn.Micro.Autofac 1.2 to NuGet. Please see Introducing Caliburn.Micro.Autofac for usage.
Version Notes
- Upgraded .NET 4 and Silverlight 4 versions to Caliburn.Micro 1.2.0
- Created a psake build script to be used in Continuous Integration
- Added new sample applications
- First version of Windows Phone 7 support
- Known Issues with Windows Phone 7 Support
- The SimpleContainer class is not supported or exposed by the container
- The PhoneContainer class is not supported or exposed by the container
- The IPhoneContainer class is not supported or exposed by the container
- Exposed new Creators for the Windows Phone Bootstrapper
- CreateFrameAdapter
- CreatePhoneApplicationServiceAdapter
- CreateVibrateController
- CreateSoundEffectPlayer
- Known Issues with Windows Phone 7 Support