
Introducing Caliburn.Micro.Logging.log4net

Continuing my current mission to NuGet-ify my current utility libraries, and building on my Introducing Caliburn.Micro.Logging post, I have now released Caliburn.Micro.Logging.log4net which integrates log4net into Caliburn.Micro. There were no code changes to this from the code in my earlier post How To Do Logging with Caliburn.Micro, so it should be very easy to migrate to the NuGet package. How to Use Caliburn.Micro.Logging.log4net Using NuGet for Caliburn.Micro.Logging.log4net The NuGet package id is Caliburn.

Introducing Caliburn.Micro.Logging

In the spirit of continuing to NuGet my extensions, I decided to try and create a NuGet package for log4net and nlog. However, I still found my System.Diagnostics.Debug logger to be useful, and did not want to include it twice. This led me to do a quick refactoring of the logging code from How to do Logging with Caliburn.Micro to create a new assembly Caliburn.Micro.Logging which would include the common code between the log4net and nlog loggers.

Introducing Caliburn.Micro.Autofac

Last year I wrote Bootstrapping Caliburn.Micro with Autofac and it has since become one of my most popular posts. While the code presented in the post worked at that time, wizbit and Craigology pointed out that it stopped working with newer versions of Autofac. I set out to do the minimum amount of changes to make it work with the newest versions Autofac and Caliburn.Micro. The Best Laid Plans That was the plan.

Caliburn.Micro ViewModel File Template for ReSharper

Over the last few weeks I have been writing some in-depth articles for my Learning Caliburn.Micro series. Today is a brief side-discussion where I introduce a ReSharper File Template to help with the task of generating view-models. Background So why do you need this template? Simple – to write those twenty or so lines of code you constantly have to do yourself. I will warn you – this template is highly opinionated.

Bootstrapping Caliburn.Micro with Autofac

It has been about two weeks since my last post in my Learning Caliburn.Micro series, so it far past the time for this post. Prepare the Project This post is going to focus on using the Autofac IoC with Caliburn.Micro. From the point of view of the framework it fulfills the same task as the MEF bootstrapper I discussed in Caliburn.Micro the MEFtacluar, or Rob discussed in Caliburn.Micro Soup to Nuts Pt.

How To Do Logging with Caliburn.Micro

Caliburn.Micro Logging Abstraction This post covers logging. Caliburn.Micro has a simple logging abstraction that consists of an ILog interface, and a LogManager class (see below). To add logging to any Caliburn.Micro project, you need to implement a class that extends the ILog interface, and you need to replace the delegate for GetLog. In this post, I will show you how to hook up a debug logger that logs to the Output window in Visual Studio, a log4net logger, and an NLog logger.

Caliburn.Micro the MEFtacluar

I was going to call this post ‘How I learned to stop worrying and love MEF.‘, but I am not sure enough people would get the reference. Besides, it would put the focus too much on MEF, and not on Caliburn.Micro, which is the topic of the post. This is the second in my series of using Caliburn.Micro for WPF applications. The first post, Caliburn.Micro – Hello World, covered an introduction to setting up a project, and the basics of view and view-model interaction.

Caliburn.Micro – Hello World

In this post we are going to create a simple WPF application using Caliburn.Micro. I have created an empty Visual Studio 2010 solution for all the projects in this blog series. All of the code for this series will be available on my Github Learning Caliburn.Micro repository. But I suggest you follow along, and try and do it yourself. Start Visual Studio, and create a new WPF Application project called HelloWorld.

Introducing Caliburn.Micro – Lightweight MVVM & WPF

I have used a number of different MVVM frameworks, and none has so-far felt right. Not the worlds most scientific criteria, I will grant you, but still one that I consider valid. I have a preference for lighter-weight frameworks. Another vague criteria, but my definition of it is simple – frameworks that do not impose rigid structures and significant bloat to my application by adding features I dont need. Some of the frameworks I have worked with are: Cinch, MEFedMVVM, MVVM Light Toolkit, and Caliburn.